My Big Cities

My Big Cities

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Paris...

A new beginning, of a life I have talked about for a long time, and a blog I have wanted to write for ages!  For everyone that knows me, it is obvious I love a few things: big cities, good (or some may just argue trendy) restos, fashion, traveling and socializing. I figured all those things could be incorporated into my blog title. Alors, bienvenue au "Big City Femme."

I wanted to keep everyone informed of the news and views of Toronto, but between MBA school and a FT job, it never happened. So as I travel back and forth through "my" cities, I will begin to aggregate all my info on amazing places to go to. For now, the focus will be la France!

Finalement, I have arrived in Paris and am trying to get myself settled... for 5 days. It has proven to be a little more difficult to find housing and I am trying to tear myself away from the temptation of sitting in cafes and people watching, and shopping for another 10 pairs of shoes. As my good friend Sara reminded me, "You won't be able to buy much if you bring full suitcases." Well Sara, I guess I'll just be giving lots away to the Parisenne gypsies.

My first meal was a Salade Oceane avec un Perrier. I thought that was quite "French" of me, although I did have the desire to buy about 5 croissants aux beurres instead ;)

My first in-store "walkaround" was at Ted Baker - yes, my favourite UK designer - go figure. I also had my first apartment visit - something that looked like it was out of Alcatraz. A dingy room, with a half torn apart cot, almost no furniture and no lights. All yours for a mere 600 euros, tout compris (all included) per month!

Coline et ses copines - Marie-Lise et Julie
I experienced a little drinking and eating of French food for my first Saturday night here, with some amazing Frenchies. Although I should have tried the tartare du boeuf, I chickened out and had fish... I did try the tartare though. It was yummy and I will definitely have to try it next time... did I mention the glasses of rose?

Those were good too!

So much for a first post. Here's to many more to come!!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! Hope the apartment search yields something soon. It's a rainy evening here in TO, and the house feels so empty without you!

